In July 2020, I started a big project, inspired by Scott H. Young's self-taught computer science journey. The goal? To cover the topics taught in an undergrad physics and math program. The journey was supposed to take about 18 months, but it took a bit longer - just over 2 years and 4 months. I based my study plan mostly on MIT's undergrad programs in physics and math, which are free on their MIT Open Courseware platform.

Physics and Mathematics Self-Study Challenge

Theorest Self-Study Challenge

Just as the first odyssey was drawing to a close, I started another at the end of November 2022. Building on the solid foundation laid by my physics and mathematics self-study, I decided to broaden my academic horizons. This new journey is designed to encapsulate an expansive array of topics including Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Philosophy and a little bit of Neuroscience, Chemistry, and Electrical Engineering.

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Public Speaking Self-Study Challenge

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Drawing Self-Study Challenge

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Writing Self-Study Challenge

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Independent Researcher Project